the 'db' pages

      the Owenson family
            Dalgety Bay
                  Dalgety Church
                        and genealogy

Owenson, Dalgety, Church, Kirk, ovenson, family history, Dalgety Bay, Cowdenbeath, Beath High, Owenson, management, Fife, Scotland, Kirkcaldy, genealogy, Musselburgh, Owenston, Inveresk Eskbank, administration, ovenstone, Robert Owenson, Sydney, Morgan, Dalgety Bay, Dalgety Church, George, Geoff, Jeremy, Gerald, Geoffrey, Owenson, genealogy, family history, Kirkcaldy, Inveresk, Cowdenbeath, Donibristle, Dalgety Bay, Fife, Inverkeithing, Scotland
Have you 'Owenson' in your family tree ?
Want to know about Dalgety Bay - the 'New' town ?
Are you interested in local history ?
Looking for information on the Church in Dalgety Bay today ?
or going back over 800 years ?
Or did some of your ancestors come from this area and you want to know how to find out more ?

These pages try to cover all of that.

The main pages describe the new town of Dalgety Bay in Fife, plus some of its history.
There is also a description and history of the Church in the area.

Then there are reference to genealogy with some suggestions and tips, plus notes on the family name 'Owenson. Finally, there are professional and personal pages.

Hopefully you will find something which interests you.

A large number of people have contributed material for these pages, and I am grateful to them.

If YOU can add to the information here, please email

Thanks for your interest. I hope you enjoy your visit.

Artist Print of the old harbour, Dalgety Bay,
which you can purchase SECURELY HERE

Owenson, Dalgety Bay, Beath School, Cowdenbeath, Church, owenson, Fife, Scotland, genealogy, family history, Musselburgh, Eskbank, Dalgety Bay, Church, Owenson, Fife, Scotland, genealogy, family history, Musselburgh, Eskbank

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